Fishing Rainbow Lake Rainbow Lake, on the ranch, is an 18 foot deep 3.25 acre lake that is an ideal environment for trout. Re-excavated in 2008, the lake was stocked with rainbows in the spring of 2009. The fish are strong, healthy, and good fighters. The fish on the line in the photo was caught with a Black Rufus wet fly on a 3X leader. Other good flies for the lake are Zug Bugs, Twin Lakes Specials, Green Matukas, Wooly Buggers, and Cronomids (large red or black fished under a 6-8 foot indicator).
Only owners and their guests may fish the lake and only from the 1,200 foot long west shore. (The east shore is the property of the adjacent Vandevert lot owners.) Children twelve and under may use spinning rods. All others must use fly rods with pinched barbs or barbless hooks.
The photo below shows a rainbow, with his shadow beneath him, as he cruises about ten feet from shore.

A hatch on the lake!
