Owners (information for potential owners can be found at Buyers.)

The average owner has been on the ranch for
eleven years. Some have been on the ranch for sixteen years or
more. Five owners make Vandevert their primary home.
Owners range from about forty-five years old to over seventy, with
an average age of roughly sixty. About a third of the owners are
retired or partly retired. All of the owners are married couples.
Career experiences include high tech,
securities, banking, real estate, aviation, distribution,
agriculture, and manufacturing. Owners include
several past or current company presidents, entrepreneurs, real
estate developers, and a business school dean. Popular owner
pursuits include golf, fishing, skiing, and horseback riding. Some
owners are avid hunters (though not on the ranch!).
Most owners come from the western United
States: eight from the Northwest, six from Northern California, and
five from Southern California. Most recent arrivals owned property
nearby and were very familiar with the area already – a testimony to
the uniqueness and value of the ranch compared to other communities
in Central Oregon.
While owners are never pressured to
participate in ranch-wide events, most have chosen to do so and to build
a community on the ranch. Each owner seems to have struck a happy
balance between privacy and community. Some owners are active in the surrounding community, particularly in support of the High Desert Museum.
The ranch is governed by the Vandevert Ranch
Association's board of directors, consisting of homeowners elected by
all of the homeowners at the annual meeting. Administration and
day-to-day management is provided by Aperion Property Management which provides similar services to Crosswater, Pronghorn, and the Ranch at the Canyons. Experienced ranch employees maintain the common areas of the ranch and care
for horses and dogs belonging to owners.
See the topics in the column to
the left for links to pages on Common Area Guidelines, Operations, the 2008 Pond Expansion Project, and the Owners Only section.