Vandevert Ranch Stewardship Plan
Mission and Objectives
Mission – To protect and enhance the
natural resources of Vandevert Ranch for the enjoyment of current
and future owners.
Owners value the woodlands, riparian areas, and
meadows of the ranch for their natural beauty, opportunities for
recreation, the feeling of privacy and remoteness, and the sense of
living in and being in touch with nature.
The mission is not:
- to preserve the ranch environment in its
current state or revert to some earlier state
- to protect the environment for the sake of
the environment itself
- to serve a wider community
Objectives (also appear
in the Executive Summary)
1. Protect the natural resources against the primary threat of fire and
secondary threats of disease, insect infestation, damage by animals
and humans, and theft of forest products.
2. Minimize
erosion in the
Little Deschutes River and enhance the river as a trout
3. Enhance the beauty of the ranch while making the natural areas
appear to be untouched by man.
4. Restore the diverse plant communities, especially grasses, that were
once prevalent on the ranch. Favor ponderosas over lodgepole pine.
Discourage invasive species (e.g. mullein).
5. Maintain
and enhance wildlife habitat. Favor elk, birds, and trout.
Control populations of sage rats, gophers, and tree frogs.
6. Enhance recreational access and experiences (especially visual) for
owners - including horseback riding, hiking, canoeing, swimming,
fishing, cross-country skiing, and snowshoeing.
7. Comply with state and federal law.
Participate with government and non-governmental organizations in programs that serve the objectives
of the ranch and the surrounding community.
8. Respect the needs and desires of ranch neighbors.
9. Support owner understanding and appreciation of the natural
resources on the ranch.
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