Vandevert Ranch Stewardship Plan
Non-Governmental Organizations
Deschutes River Conservancy (DRC – formerly Deschutes
Resources Conservancy) – DRC’s mission is
to restore streamflow and improve water quality in the Deschutes Basin.
Objectives are to meet or exceed state water quality standards and to
restore the natural hydrograph to the extent environmentally, socially,
and economically feasible in the Deschutes River and its tributaries.
On July 25, 2002, the DRC and The Climate Trust signed a Carbon Dioxide
Offset Purchase Agreement. Under the agreement, The Climate Trust
provided the DRC with $780,000 in carbon dioxide offset funds to help
landowners in the Deschutes Basin restore riparian areas. The Climate
Trust funds were matched over a five year period by federal funds
available through the DRC. Under this program
the ranch planted 38 acres in the riparian area and began receiving
annual payments. DRC also operates a Groundwater Mitigation Bank which
will provide temporary (annual) mitigation credits necessary for the
ranch to store water in its pond.
Project Wildfire - Created by
Deschutes County ordinance 8.24.010, Project Wildfire is the
Local Coordinating Group for Deschutes County that facilitates,
educates, disseminates and maximizes community efforts towards
effective fire planning and mitigation.
La Pine High School Forestry Program
- In a unique arrangement with the La Pine High School Forestry
Program, students are thinning the ranch forest to produce healthier
trees and prevent the spread of forest fires. The hands-on brush
clearing and fuels reduction at the ranch is part of the program’s
advanced forestry class.
Oregon Small Woodlands Association -
OSWA is a 2,200 member group that promotes and
advocates the interests of families and others that own small quantities
of forestland. The group includes experts on forestry, conservation and
wildlife. The group is focused on stewardship as well as commercial
operations and supports a lobbyist in Salem. The ranch foreman has been
a member of OSWA for 24 years.
Upper Deschutes River Coalition (formerly the
Upper Deschutes River Natural Resources Coalition) – The mission of
the coalition is to protect Upper
Deschutes River Communities by restoring and sustaining healthy
fire-resistant forests, pure and abundant river flows, and wildlife
habitat. The coalition enables communities to act collectively on
natural resources issues within the Upper Deschutes area. Member
communities include Vandevert Ranch, Crosswater, Oregon Water
Wonderland, and about fourteen others.
Upper Deschutes Watershed Council -
The Upper Deschutes Watershed Council seeks to
protect and restore the upper Deschutes River watershed through
collaborative projects in watershed stewardship, habitat restoration and
community awareness. The Council worked with the ranch, the Deschutes
Soil and Water Conservation District, and the Oregon Department of Fish
and Wildlife (OWEB) to develop and implement a fish habitat enhancement
project along the Little Deschutes River. The project, implemented in
2004 and added to in subsequent years, included large woody material
placements to help improve fish habitat and reduce bank erosion. In
this reach of the Little Deschutes River flows are heavily regulated by
the dam at Crescent Lake, resulting in unnaturally high flows in the
summer and low flows in the winter. The fluctuation in flows, combined
with the presence of highly erosive soils, has led to bank instability
along many of the bends in the river. Ongoing photo monitoring helps
track the site changes over time and document the reduction in bank
erosion. The project was funded through the Oregon Watershed
Enhancement Board's Small Grant Program, with additional funding
provided by Vandevert Ranch 541-382-6103
Wy'east Resource Conservation and Development
Wy'East Resource Conservation
and Development plans, designs, and implements sustainable agriculture
and rural community development projects in a service area that includes
Central Oregon. Wy’east hasn’t worked with the ranch directly but they
work extensively with many of the same organizations the ranch does.