Abbreviations for Wetland Types Based on
Substrate, Vegetation, and Hydrology
Format for
abbreviation on map is generally four characters.
First character is P (for pond or marsh) or R for river.
Second two characters identify the vegetation as follows:
EM - emergent vegetation, like a marsh or wet meadow
AB - vegetation more on the bottom
FO - forest
SS - shrub/scrub
Fourth character pertains to wetness and flooding:
F - mostly flooded
A - briefly flooded
C - seasonally flooded
Some specific abbreviations are as
PEMF - pond/marsh, emergent plants,
semi-permanently flooded
PEMA - pond/marsh, emergent
plants, water present for brief times during year
PEMC - pond/marsh, emergent plans, seasonally flooded
PABF - pond, aquatic bed, semi-permanently flooded
R2UBH - river, low gradient, perennial
PFOC - pond/marsh, forested, seasonally flooded
PSSC - pond/marsh, scrub/shrub, seasonally flooded
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