
   W.P. Vandevert
   Harper School
   Hashknife Brand
   Ranch Life
   Modern History





Articles, Letters, Memoirs, and Recordings

Home on the Vandevert Ranch - Recordings of Grace Vandevert McNellis reading from her own prize-winning book.

Bear Hunter- A 1922 newspaper article recounting an interview with William P. Vandevert, including a description of the Clark Massacre, Bill's early life, marriage, founding of the ranch, and bear hunting. (1,900 words)

Indian Meadows - The transcript of a 1971 recording by Claude Vandevert (Senior) remembering his father and the early history of the ranch. (4,100 words)

Family Letters - Excerpts from letters written from 1924 to 1946 describing life on the ranch. Most letters written by Pearl Catlow Vandevert. (3,700 words) Photos also.

Sights and Smells of Vandevert Ranch - A 1990 memoir by Mary Jean Vandevert about her memories of growing up on the ranch in the 1930's, 40's and 50's. (2,800 words)

Memoirs of Mary Vandevert Hogan- A memoir written by a Vandevert cousin who lived at the ranch in the 1910's and has interesting stories to tell. (16,500 words)

Thomas Clark Letter - Early Oregon Days and The Clark Massacre (1,957 words)

Clark Family History - The family adventures of William P. Vandevert's mother, Grace Vandevert (14,000 words)

Grace Vandevert McNellis KPOV Radio Interview 2011 - About the ranch and the book Vandevert. (MP3 audio file, 45 minutes)

Grace McNellis and Ted Haynes Interview 2018 - Podcast interview by Donna Seebo (MP3 audio file, approximately 1 hour)

Thomas William Vandevert Radio Interview - Transcript of William Plutarch Vandevert's oldest son (born 1884) interviewed by KBND in 1953. (2,700 words)

History of Vandeverts - A 1970 article by Nancy Strope describing the family's trips to the Willamette Valley around 1900. (1,400 words)

A 1910 Vandevert Camping Trip - A lively memoir by Ann Markel (later Ann Markel Forbes)

Camped at Vandeverts - Excerpt from an 1898 diary by Emma R. Lemon with commentary by John Francis Lemon some 50 years later. (157 words)

Also see Wikipedia articles on William P. Vandevert, the Clark Massacre, and Michael Pauluzen Van der Voort.

Page design copyright 2005-2013 The Vandevert Ranch Association. Content copyright 2004-2013 T. Haynes & G.V. McNellis. Neither the Association nor its members guarantees the accuracy or completeness of information or representations on this Web Site. Buyers should obtain definitive information from their real estate agent.